Struggling Between The Immensities

Location: Wilmore, Kentucky, United States

I am a very complex person, with many facets that few people, if any, know about. That is probably because, while I am an open book, I leave it up to others to actually take the initiative to turn the pages. This blog is just a place for me to put down random thoughts and to think aloud sometimes. If you are reading this, thank you for your time and blessings to you.

Monday, January 16, 2012

New Beer for the New Year

Breckenridge Christmas Ale
This ale is much darker in color than most. It does have a whitish head on it. The taste has just an ever-so-slight fruity flavor to it with a bitter undertone. But the bitterness is not off-putting. Overall it is pretty pleasant to drink.

Fort Collins Brewery Rocky Mountain IPA
This IPA has a rich, golden color to it with a white head on it. The flavor is very much like a very acidic fruit. I can't explain it any better than that. It is very acidic and bitter, or hoppy as some might say. But, having said this, it is not that bad tasting.

Abita Christmas Ale
This ale has a dark reddish-brown color with a large cream colored head on it. The flavor has a hoppy, bitter kick to it with fruity undertones which make it pretty good tasting. I liked it, but will probably have to wait until next Christmas to get it again.

Spaten Oktoberfest
This Octoberfest brew is a golden brown color with a short-lived light brown head. It had a surprisingly smooth, light flavor to it with just a hint of spice to it. If you liked just a slight taste, this is the brew for you. But I would like something a little more pronounced, but is was a good drink for what it is.

Spaten Dunkel
This beer is a golden brown color with little head on it. It has a smooth flavor with a bit of bitterness that bites you a little bit, which made for a good drink. I will be buying this one again.

Spaten Optimator
This doppelbock is a dark brown color with little to no head on it. It has a roasty, malty flavor to it with just a hint of bitterness at the end of the taste.

Bell's Kalamazoo Stout
This stout, as with others, is a dark brown color with a thick, brown head on it. The flavor is a smooth, malty taste which goes down nicely. It is a good stout which I will probably buy again.

Founders Brewing Centennial IPA
This IPA is a light brown color with a lot of fizz which makes for a large head on it. The flavor is very hoppy with just a hint of spice to it. It has a pleasant flavor but a little bit more of a kick with more hops would be nice.

Founders Brewing Breakfast Stout
This stout has a very dark brown color with next to no head on it. It has a rich, malty flavor to it It is thick and tasty and definitely one I want to buy again.

Great Lakes Brewing Co. Edmund Fitzgerald
This porter is a dark brown in color with a light brown head on it. It has a lighter taste than other porters but it doesn't lack flavor. It has just a bit of bitterness on the back of the taste but it is not excessive. I really like this porter.

Bluegrass Brewing Co. Dark Star Porter
This porter has a very dark brown color with a light brown head on it. The flavor is that of a malty porter, although the flavor of malt is less than it is in other porters making very smooth to drink.

Grimbergen Double Ale
This ale has a dark brown color with just a hint of red with a thick head on it. It has a light aroma with smooth flavor that has a hint of apple cider (at least in my mind it tasted like that). It was really good to drink and I will definitely buy more of this.

Brooklyn Brewery Winter Ale
This ale has a light reddish brown color with a light brown head on it. The flavor is slightly acidic on the tongue with a spicy undertone. It is pretty nice to drink but not the best thing I have ever tasted. So, I guess I can say I would drink it but wouldn't choose it if a better alternative is offered.

Ommegang Belgian-style Pale Ale
This ale is a golden brown color with a large, thick head on it. It has a light flavor with just a hint of bitterness in the middle of the taste. It also has a bit of a spicy flavor to it also. Overall, it is quite a good ale.

Boulder Beer Company Never Summer Ale
This ale has a reddish, golden-brown color with very little head on it. The flavor is a bitter, malty, and spicy. I can't really describe it other than to say that it is okay but is not my favorite taste.

Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse Dunkel
This beer has a dark brown color with very little head on it. It has a smooth, yeasty flavor to it which isn't unpleasant. I am not a bit fan of hefe-weisse beers, but this one is not too bad if I had to drink one.

Franziskaner Weissbier Naturtrub
This beer is a light golden-brown color with very little head on it. The flavor is very yeasty (no, I didn't pour it all in to the glass) which I don't really like in general. But it was tolerable to drink and may be great if you like this type of beer.

Leffe Blonde
This Belgian beer is a dark golden color with a little bit of a head on it. The flavor is smooth and mellow with just a hint of yeast flavor on the back end of the taste. Although the taste is yeast is minimal, it is still there and, therefore, I don't particularly care for this beer.

Unibroue trois pistoles Dark Ale
This dark ale is a very dark brown in color with a large head on it. The flavor is that of a malted ale with a base of spices underlying it. The spices almost make one think it is a fruity flavor, but it is not. While this is not my favorite ale, it is a long way from my least favorite.

Dogfish Head Red & White
This beer has a reddish-brown color to it with little head on it. The flavor is rather like a fruity cidar with a bitterness on the back of the taste. Overall, I really didn't care for it that much. Dogfish Head makes a lot of great stuff. Unfortunately, this isn't one of them in my opinion.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Welcome to the new year

I know, this blog started out as a place for me to get things off my chest and put down things that occur to me. But lately it has become just a list of craft beers that I have tried and what I think about them. Hopefully, as the new year begins, I will get back to posting more than just beer reviews. As I start out on a new religious path, there should be plenty of thoughts and observations to post on here, and hopefully I will remember to do so. Welcome, 2012. Come on in, sit down, and bless my life with good while keeping bad away. Blessed be.