Struggling Between The Immensities

Location: Wilmore, Kentucky, United States

I am a very complex person, with many facets that few people, if any, know about. That is probably because, while I am an open book, I leave it up to others to actually take the initiative to turn the pages. This blog is just a place for me to put down random thoughts and to think aloud sometimes. If you are reading this, thank you for your time and blessings to you.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Beer. Beer. Beer

Hofbrau Original
This beer has a rich, golden color and a solid white head on it. It has just a bit of a fizz on the tongue. The flavor is full and pleasant. It has a rich malty flavor that is definitely one that I will return to again. Plus, you get a full pint in each bottle.

Hofbrau Maibock
This beer has a dark golden color with a descent yellowish head on it. It has a full flavor with a bit of a kick to it and some bitterness on the back of the taste. It has a ever-so-slight sweetness to it also. This is a average tasting beer so I would have no problem drinking this again.

Hofbrau Hefe Weizen
This pale, golden ale has an large head on it. It tastes light and somewhat sweet with a surprisingly bitter aftertaste which I think is from the yeast. While this is not especially bad, I probably won't be buying this one again.

Monty Python's Holy Grail Ale
This ale has a dark golden color and a short-lived head on it. It has a fine taste with a bit of bitterness that makes it a pleasure to drink. It also has a kind of sweetness/fruitiness to it also. It kind of surprised me how good it was given the joking they did with the name. But this is an ale I will probably buy again.

Orval Trappist Ale
This ale has a dark reddish-brown color to it and a lot of head on it. It has a fruity, but bitter flavor to it. Although it didn't say anything, it appears that the last bit should have been left in the bottle. The last bits make it cloudy. So, if I get this ale again I will remember to hold back a little. But overall it is pretty good.

Schlafly Pale Ale
This ale has a rich golden color with a little bit of a head on it. It has a good, malty flavor to it with a bit of tinkle on your tongue. It also has just a hint of bitterness. It is a good ale to drink at anytime.

Boulder Beer Company hazed & infused dry-hopped ale
This ale has a dark golden color with a nice head on it. It has a nice hoppy flavor to it with just a little bitterness. It is a good ale with a full taste that satisfies.

New Holland Brewing Mad Hatter IPA
This Indian Pale Ale has a dark amber color and a bit of a yellowish head on it. The flavor is like that of a spicy cider with what tastes like cologne in it. Yes, I know that sounds bad, but it really isn't. I just can't pick anything that feels like that in the back of my throat other than a strong cologne. So, while this ale is okay, I probably won't be drinking it regularly.

Monday, August 01, 2011


Kostritzer Schwartzbier
The German black lager is dark in color with very little head on it. It has a rich malty flavor with no bitterness to it. It is heavy and "meaty" and feels like it could act as a meal replacement. Definitely one to try again.

Brooklyn Brewery Black Chocolate Stout
This beer is a very dark brown with a dark brown head on it, just like a chocolate drink would have. The taste is thick and very malty, tasting almost like it contains coffee. I can't really taste the chocolate in it, but I couldn't in the other chocolate stout I tried before. All I can notice is the roasted, malty taste to it. This one is overall good tasting with no bitterness to it.

Great Lakes Brewing Co. Dortmunder Gold
This golden lager has a rich golden color to it with a large head on it. It has a rich, full flavor to it that is pleasant on the tongue with no hint of bitterness to it. It is a light drink with a strong flavor.

Great Lakes Brewing Co. Conway's Irish Ale
This ale has a reddish color to it with a golden head. It is smooth at first with a slight bite to it which I can't quite make out flavorwise. It is almost like a burnt flavor, which lasts in your mouth for awhile after swallowing. The flavor is good, though, and I will probably be buying some more of this in the future.

Great Lakes Brewing Co. The Doppelrock
This lager is a dark reddish-brown color with a dark golden colored head on it. It has a thick flavor to it similar to a stout. Overall it is a descent flavored lager and might find it's way back into my fridge someday.

Southern Tier Hopsun Summer Wheat Beer
This wheat beer has a light golden color with a bit of a head on it. It has a pleasant, light, wheat beer flavor to it. I would say among wheat beers it is an average wheat beer which means if I am looking for a wheat beer, I would be as likely to buy this one as the other wheat beers I have liked.

Stella Artois
This premium lager has a pale golden color with a white head on it. The flavor is light and pleasant. In fact, it is pretty darn good. When you want something light, refreshing, and delicious on a hot summer day, this definitely fits the bill.

Smithwick's Irish Ale
This ale has a dark reddish-brown color to it with a full head on it. It has a unique flavor that is, to me, neither great nor bad. It is probably a 5-6 out of 10. I would drink it if given the choice, but I will probably not be buying it very often for myself.

Left Hand Brewing Co. Good Juju
This ale, which is brewed with ginger has an apricot like color without much of a head on it. The taste is definitely different. I can't really discribe the flavor other than saying it is like an ale with something added. I would not say the flavor is bad, but I can't say it is exceptionally good. It is just okay.

Breckenridge Brewery SummerBright Ale
This ale is a pale golden color with very little head on it. The flavor is very light, like a wheat beer, which makes it a great beverage for the hot summer days. It says it is brewed with orange and lemon peels which I didn't specifically detect in the flavor. It is overall pleasant tasting with no bitterness anywhere in the taste.

Dogfish Head Festina Peche
This "malt beverage brewed with peach concentrate" is kind of peachy in color with a bit of a head on it. The flavor was a bit of a surprise. It felt like a citrus juice in my mouth, having a slight tingle on the tongue. But the first flavor that came to mind when I tasted it was sauerkraut juice. Yes, I know that sounds disgusting, but I actually love sauerkraut. But this ale didn't taste as good as sauerkraut, in my opinion. So, I won't be getting this again.

Anderson Valley Brewing Company Summer Solstice
This ale from California has a dark, cloudy reddish-brown color with a good head on it. It has a pleasant, malty flavor with just a hint of bitterness to it. The overall drinking experience of this ale is good. It's not blow-me-away great, but definitely better than average.

Sierra Nevada Glissade Golden Bock
This brew has a golden color with a bit of a head on it. It has a light, pleasant flavor to it. I could see this being a good drink on a hot, summer day. There is a bit of bitterness on the back side of the taste, but nowhere near unpleasant.

Sierra Navada Kellerweis Hefeweizen
This is the first hefeweizen I have tried. The flavor was completely different from anything I had tried before. The only word that comes to mind about the flavor is musty. It also reminds me of grapefruit juice, but not exactly. It has some bitterness to it throughout the drink. This is not one of my favorites, neither is it one of the worst I have tasted.

Schlafly Summer Lager
This lager has a pale, golden color with a bit of a head on it. The flavor is light and very enjoyable. It is like a light version of a lager but the flavor remains full. I will definitely buy this one again if given the chance.

Bluegrass Brewing Co. Saison
This ale has a dark, reddish brown color to it. The flavor had a bit of a bite to it, like a hard cider. It has just a slight bit of sweetness to it and a bit of bitterness at the end of the taste. It is a good flavor but one I probably won't be partaking of on a regular basis. But I will get it again sometimes.

Hoegaarden Withier-Biere Blanche
This is a very pale gold colored beer with little head to it. The flavor is light on the tongue but is not light on flavor. It has a bit of fizz to it when it hits your tongue, a very pleasant flavor to it, and a ever so slight bit of bitterness at the end of the taste. Once again, this would really hit the spot on a hot, summer day. It's full of flavor but feels light on those hot days. I will be buying this one again some time.