And you ask why I left
The last few days have been very hard to endure. I am surrounded by "christians" who go around hating on people as part of their daily routine, be it Bin Laden or the royal wedding in London. They make snide and hateful remarks, and if you dare to state an opposite opinion, they go off on you. I stated today that as a pacifist I don't believe in war. The next thing I know I am being accused of supporting Hitler and what he did. I do nothing more that point out what Jesus taught to a "christian" and they do their damnedest to refute it. But if you point out they are opposing the teachings of Jesus they pull out the victim card and accuse you of questioning their "christianity". It's amazing how they act like your opinion deserves nothing but scorn and condemnation, going out of their way if need be to attack it if it is not the same as theirs, while they demand you support their opinions or else you are oppressing them in some way. Today I was also accused of not caring about the people affected on 9/11 because I wasn't cheering the death of Bin Laden. I guess today showed that those who go around preaching that all life is sacred (usually when preaching against abortion) are full of shit. It's just like those who preach about the sanctity of marriage with numerous affairs and divorces in their past. But, as I was also told today (not vocalized but heavily implied), principles are disposable in that you can just throw them away when they don't let you do what you want.
The last few days have shown me that hatred is alive and thriving in christendom, and that christianity today has little to do with the teachings of Jesus. He has been relegated to an idol, like the bible, the ten commandments, and the church, that stand for whatever christians want them to, and become sacrosanct to them while what they actually say or teach are ignored. You know, like "love your enemies", "do good to those who persecute you", and "when you are struck on one cheek, turn the other one to them also". With this kind of constant denial and discrediting of what christians claim to believe in, namely the teaching of Jesus, I can no longer go on being a part of that group. I can't talk and walk in opposite directs and just switch directions to whichever way suits me at the time.
The last few days have shown me that hatred is alive and thriving in christendom, and that christianity today has little to do with the teachings of Jesus. He has been relegated to an idol, like the bible, the ten commandments, and the church, that stand for whatever christians want them to, and become sacrosanct to them while what they actually say or teach are ignored. You know, like "love your enemies", "do good to those who persecute you", and "when you are struck on one cheek, turn the other one to them also". With this kind of constant denial and discrediting of what christians claim to believe in, namely the teaching of Jesus, I can no longer go on being a part of that group. I can't talk and walk in opposite directs and just switch directions to whichever way suits me at the time.