Struggling Between The Immensities

Location: Wilmore, Kentucky, United States

I am a very complex person, with many facets that few people, if any, know about. That is probably because, while I am an open book, I leave it up to others to actually take the initiative to turn the pages. This blog is just a place for me to put down random thoughts and to think aloud sometimes. If you are reading this, thank you for your time and blessings to you.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Okay, here I go again

Well, I have tried to read Thomas Merton's book The Inner Experience over the past year. I read a chapter, put it down for a while, and then go back and re-read that chapter again. It is a really deep book and I have pretty much put it on the back burner for the past several months. So, I have decided to start again and make a serious effort to read it through on a consistent basis over the next month. Maybe if I dedicate time to it alone I can better understand some of the extremely deep concepts that Merton covers in this book. God help my understanding of what this spiritual master is trying to convey.