Struggling Between The Immensities

Location: Wilmore, Kentucky, United States

I am a very complex person, with many facets that few people, if any, know about. That is probably because, while I am an open book, I leave it up to others to actually take the initiative to turn the pages. This blog is just a place for me to put down random thoughts and to think aloud sometimes. If you are reading this, thank you for your time and blessings to you.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Alternative LIfestyles

The other morning, as I was listening to an old priest on EWTN yelling and ranting and condeming all who don’t side with God (and him) on everything, I heard him speak of alternative lifestyles and how we, as good Christians, had to do our upmost to battle against acceptance of them. He also spoke a little about the need to forgive, yes even those who have been violated sexually need to forgive their violator. Too bad he demands forgiveness of priests who violate children (even though he didn’t mention priests in particular), but can find no other place than the deepest fires of hell for homosexuals, feminists, abortionists, and liberals within the church.

But it was when he was condeming alternative lifestyles that it got me to thinking. First of all, what is a "normal" lifestyle. Secondly, the following came to me.

There are groups of men in this world who have chosen to forsake God’s commandment to be fruitful and multiply. They, instead, have chosen to live an alternative lifestyle. They have chosen to live with other men because of their love for each other instead of finding a woman with whom to marry and settle down. They demand that the government recognize this chosen lifestyle in order that they may receive certain financial benefits, mainly via the tax code. A small minority have been proven to favor the sexual pleasures of young boys, although the vast majority don’t, despite the fact that some wish to portray them all like this. They tend to set their own style when it comes to dress and hair style. Their choice of music is also very different from that of the rest of society, although many who are not like them enjoy their music. They tend to be concentrated more in certain areas than others, but some live among us, dressing and acting like us. Sometimes people go to these areas of concentration to see their unique way of life almost as if they were on exhibit for gawkers to come and watch. And there are also women like this too who forsake the pleasures of a man in favor of a life with other women. Many people accept their differences but others seek to persecute them.

Who are these people who demand your acceptance of their alternative lifestyle? They are called monks. The females are called nuns. And I for one love these people and accept their chosen alternative lifestyle. For their's is much more out of the "norm" than my lifestyle.

Please pray for this man and all like him that concentrate of God's punishments of the Old Testament while forgoing Christ's teachings on love in the New Testament.


I often wake up early and cannot go back to sleep. It is during these times that ideas come to mind. Sometimes they are poems, other times they are stories, and other times they are insights into things. The other day, while trying to go back to sleep, the following story came to mind.

One day a priest looked out of his window and noticed a stranger sitting on a bench in his garden. He went out and asked the man what he was doing there. The man said that if the priest would come and sit with him for a while he would tell him. So the priest went over and sat down next to the man. The man began to ask questions about the church's garden, which the priest was all too happy to answer since he loved his garden. They discussed all the different types of flowers, what worked and didn't work with each variety, and the arranging of them for the most aethetic affect. As they talked, the priest came to realize that this man had a garden very similar to the church's.

Finally, after a long while, the priest asked the man again why he was there. The man told the priest that he was there so that he could be surrounded by God's creation. The priest was confused. He asked the man if his own garden was not similar to the church's, to which the man replied yes. So the priest asked him why he had not just gone out into his own garden to sit. The man said that there was one thing that the church's garden had that his didn't, and that made all the difference. The priest asked him what that was. The man looked into the priest's eyes, grinned just a little and replied, "You."

All to often we forget that we, too, are part of God's creation. We forget that on the second coming of Christ, not only we but all of creation will be redemed. God placed us here to be stewards of creation, not to worship it nor to destoy it. The native Americans have a saying which is so true. They say, " We do not inherit the world from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." I just pray that we can reclaim this position and prove ourselves worthy of such an awesome responsibility.